Egg donation with fertility treatments offers renewed hope for an expanded family. At Noble Fertility Center in New York City, Peter Chang, MD, offers an anonymous or directed egg donation program to help you achieve pregnancy. Call the Murray Hill, Manhattan, office or use the online tool to schedule a consultation and find out more about this advanced fertility treatment so you can achieve your dream of expanding your family.


Egg Donation Q & A

What is egg donation?

Egg donation helps you achieve pregnancy with eggs donated by a young, healthy woman that your partner or donor sperm fertilizes in a lab. Dr. Chang transfers the resulting embryos to your uterus, where they may result in pregnancy. 

Egg donors relinquish all rights to their eggs or the future babies, so the baby you carry and give birth to is yours to love forever.

Noble Fertility Center offers fertility treatment using egg donations for women living in Manhattan, New York City, other parts of New York state, China, and Russia.

Who is a candidate for egg donation?

Several factors may make you consider egg donation as a means to pregnancy. These include being of advanced reproductive age, having a disease, or ovarian failure. 

Egg donation gives you the chance to carry a baby and have a healthy pregnancy if you’ve been unable to get pregnant using your eggs, and you get to experience the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth. 

What is anonymous egg donation?

With an anonymous egg donation, Noble Fertility Center obtains the eggs from young, healthy, pre-screened donors. Dr. Chang ensures these donors are suitable physically, genetically, and psychologically. 

The screening process involves an initial phone call and a comprehensive application and questionnaire. Donors then go on to have a:

  • Personal interview with Noble Fertility Center’s clinical coordinator
  • Comprehensive medical screening 
  • Genetic screening from a team of qualified geneticists
  • Psychiatric screening with the Noble Fertility Center’s psychiatric team
  • General and reproductive health screening to evaluate for infectious and genetic diseases

Only once the donor completes these steps are their eggs acquired and used in fertility treatments.

What is directed egg donation?

If you have a relative, friend, or acquaintance from whom you’d like to obtain eggs, Noble Fertility Center enrolls her into the program as a directed egg donor. No matter how well you know this potential donor, expect them to undergo the same comprehensive screening to determine egg donation suitability, and attorneys do draft an egg donation contract.

If a particular donor does not meet the guidelines for suitability, Noble Fertility Center reserves the right to decline the use of their eggs. Dr. Chang wants to provide the best possible outcome for female infertility treatment and your pregnancy.

If you’re ready to explore egg donation as a means to pregnancy, call Noble Fertility Center to set up an appointment or use the online tool to schedule.